Tuesday 26 August 2014

Movie Review :Singham Returns

Well this movie is just like an upgraded version of Singham, Just like
Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) to 4.4 (Kit Kat). Let me explain


Singham-1 : Inspector Bajirao Singham
Singham-2 : DCP Bajirao Singham

Singham-1: Kajal
Singham-2: Kareena

Singham-1: Goa
Singham-2: Mumbai

Singham-1: 1
Singham-2: 2

Supporting Role-
Singham-1: 1 DCP Goa, 3-4 Constables & Sub-Inspectors
Singham-2: 1 CP Mumbai, 1- Poltical Party, 47 K Mumbai Police officers, News Channel reporters etc

Singham-1: 12 Scorpios, 14 Qualis, 4 Omnis, Singham's Punch, Revolvers & pistols
Singham-2 : 8 Scorpios, 8 Omnis, Singham's Punch, pistols, AK-47, 6 Rocket Launchers & Ajay Devgan's Shooting *As if he is playing Call of Duty*

Singham-1: 6
Singham-2: 4+ Yo Yo Honey Singh's Worst Single

In the end you will pay the a huge amount of money for this 'Update', which you can get it for free.

Hanta Singh Rating's -

How to deal with A Girl.. An Effort

This is my tenth year where I have been living on my own. Well its also the twelfth year of my continuous efforts to understand women/girls. OK, lets just say girls. In these 12 years of my experience with the opposite sex, I have been in love many times. Also, I have seen many people break or some lucky ones who have evolved themselves in this phenomenon or feeling or an error called love. But still I find myself on the loosing side of to understand and define it in a complete sense. The Time is near that I will quit or die without finding the answer. 

However, in my quest to find the meaning, I had come across the pattern of behavior which had helped me to deal with female species.

In my life-span of 24 years, especially the last 10 years I began to understand a pattern. Now this has helped me a lot in consider what to expect and what not to. It worked almost every time and I HAVE NEVER FOUND A GIRL WHICH BEHAVES OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PATTERN.
Now here most of the females wont agree to this, but you know how they react naa..

Lets just say there are N no. of girls alive in this world. They can be represented in the mathematical form of Universal set.

Now out of N girls, you will come across a few of them in your life. When you meet them, you will find only three main character traits when you dont know them closely. Those three Traits are:

1) ETHICS -  High moral values.
2) LOW SELF ESTEEM - Will do anything literally no values at all.
3) DECISION MAKING ABILITY - She takes her own decision, doesnt act under external influences. (If you know what I mean).

Once you come to one of them, you begin to discover .... THE SECOND PERSONALITY TRAIT.

Kindly understand the fact that according to my research and analysis, a girl will only have two characteristic traits, not more than that. You will find that this girl falls under the mutual area, since you her know closely.. you will find the second trait.

The female Homo Sapiens have been classified on the basis of Mutual traits... Here is how..

  • A - (ANGELS)

The reason I call them angels is they have ideal traits. They are strong emotionally, high ethics and great ability to make decisions. Every guy around them is happy and other girls are jealous. They are hard to handle but trust me they are fun. The only problem here is ....


  • B- ( BITCHES) 

They are hard to deal with, but if you are clever enough to save yourself from trouble of getting exploited emotionally, physically and most important... FINANCIALLY, they are fun.

By low self esteem, what I mean to say is that they will fall to a very low level to get what they want. They can desire anything from a ride on a bike, to money and many more HAZARDOUS favors. The "Bitches" are generally around a guy when they need something.  
In the golden words of Arnab Goswami "NEVER EVER EVER GET ATTACHED EMOTIONALLY WITH THEM". There is a good probability that they are playing with your emotions and it will break your heart when you find the truth .

  • C- ( CONFUSED )



A confused girl has ethics as well as low self-esteem! But not a decision making ability. Thats why they are the most dangerous one, BECAUSE YOU CANT RELY ON THEM.

They lack decision making ability, so they rely on external influence or company they are in and when you someone who lacks SUCH SKILLS CAN EASILY BE MANIPULATED. So sometimes they will behave in such a manner as if no one can be better than her and sometime will fall at such a low level you cant even think of!!

For example:
If you are no more a teenager and having fun in your twenties, you must have come across a couple who were "made for each other" kind and you see them getting married in the near future. But what happens in the end, after they are done with their graduation. Parents find a NRI (Suitable boy with good bank balance) for her and she ties knot with her , then they happily ever after. I am not stereotyping but this has happened a lot around me.

So whos life has turned upside down?  Any guess ?

The worst part is there affection (well not exactly affection, cant find a better word) looks genuine. A boy gets emotionally connected to this confused girl. All "Devdas" avtar, their ex lies in this category.

Unfortunately, this category has the highest population.

Concluding this theory, I would like you to remember 3 things
  1. Always be with an angel.
  2. Be with bitches if you can handle them.
  3. Stay away from confused one.  Nothing good will happen, trust me.

Sorry for typos and errors.