Sunday 2 November 2014

SRK Complex: Why its Hard to Date a SRKian Girl??



- A female Homo-Sapient who is a die hard fan of Shahrukh Khan. She expects the same sort of romance from her partner. The complexity arrives when the Male Homo-Sapient's behavior and nature fall the below the quality standards set by  ISO:9001 certified womanizer Shahrukh Khan.

So the next mystery lies in the fact what makes SRK SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROMANTIC??

A Study was conducted by Hanta Singh's research team in 75 tier 1 & tier 2 cities. We asked the female Homo Sapiens residing across the nation asking different characteristic traits they expect from their male counterparts and what are the similarities between SRK's. The following were the main reason concluded through the data base.

1. He is funny, cute, chocolaty, macho, emotional and romantic at the same time!!

   Yes, SRK has this magical touch in him which he uses to amplify the emotions of Female Homo-Sapiens. The scientist have suggested that ideally should follow the pattern of Sine wave.

As suggested in the figure.

Now going by this theory SRK  manages the curve perfectly while others category Male often are way off the pattern. Male Homo-Sapiens have the following traits...

2. He respects her family!!

 Any Indian Female Homo-Sapient dreams of the Male counterpart giving absolute respect to the humans whos copulation has resulted in her birth.

3. He is also cute, lovely and an emotional father!!

Now for most of the male counterparts this remains an unexplored and often scary territory. But even here SRK has proven to be the best dad, being a single dad for a daughter is often the toughest job. This characteristic traits are often related to the factor of taking "family responsibilities" which a female says is a must in every man.   

4. With his romantic dialogue delivery, he can even make guys cry sometime.

Remember the scene from  Kal Ho Na Ho when SRK pretends to read from Saif Ali Khan's Dairy... Can you fucking do something like that???? TRUST ME .. DONT TRY THIS AT HOME!!

5. After all, He is the KING OF ROMANCE !!!

With his charm.. He is unbeatable in the field of romance.

So by now you must have realized, if you have a crush on a girl with "SRK" have accepted one of the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced..... All the best!!

But Hey!! dont worry... Hanta Singh is here to guide you!!!



DOs and DON'Ts to date an SRKian female:

1. DON'T ever fucking try to copy SRK!!

For her, there is only one SRK & that is definitely not you...

If you still do that... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS....


 Become such a charming personality, that she will compromise with you coz she cant have SRK!! Instead be this guy...

2. DON'T EVER say anything negative about SRK! THATS IT!!! Its over!!

      Because she will have this reaction ...
If she ever mentions SRK... just use words like "hmmmmm", "OK", "WOW", "Oh Really!! "

3. DON'T try use SRK's dialogue in your talks!!

You expect it makes a lasting impression. But in reality you are received as lame & lack originality. After all, She is a SRK fan. His all dialogues run in her blood, in some exceptional cases, she can even remember SRK's dad dialogue. #TrueStory

Refer all romantic dialogues from before SRK era. Also unnoticeable movies can work sometime. In some severe cases try poetry, but its a little risky coz dialogue delivery play an important part here. 

At last, I would like to say just be yourself and accept the fact that you can never take SRK's place in her mind!! But if she still loves you... Dude.. you are a Lucky Man!!!


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